Why manufacture with us?
At Bowles and Walker, no job is too small, and we can produce with a timeframe, volume, and schedule to suit your business. We’ll always be transparent, and advise on the most cost effective solution for your production process. Our personable, approachable team is here to support your business, ensuring we can align with your timelines and operations. With us, you get the flexibility and reliability you need without compromise.
In-house mould tooling
An in-house mould tooling service ensures control over the design, development and production of your moulds. By managing the process internally, we can deliver faster turnaround times and provide a high quality, precise end product. With Bowles and Walker, you’ll never be locked into a single manufacturer. Your mould tool belongs to you, giving you the freedom to take it elsewhere if you decide to change manufacturer. Our tools are designed to be durable and built to last, providing reliable performance for many years.
Sustainable plastic manufacturing
Our mission is to become a more sustainable plastic manufacturer where we can. We source sustainable and recycled materials and have adopted many energy-efficient processes, including solar panels and wind turbines. We’re committed to reducing our environmental impact. If your business values eco-friendly pratices, choose us as your manufacturer.