
An Injection Moulding Journey – Rehook

mini tool machine

In 2019 we had a consultation with Rehook, who are based in Norwich, to manufacturer their tool for bicycles that appeared on Dragons Den. They described some issues with the supply of products from their current moulder. Bowles and Walker Ltd were able to assure them we could provide a reliable service, offering our tooling and moulding expertise, compressed lead times and our ability to be flexible with orders.

After successfully winning the contract to supply their current products, Rehook were keen to start discussions regarding new product development. Market demand had suggested that a product that included more functionality than their current product would be well received. The “Rehook Plus”, concept design was already 90% complete, but required some design alterations that Bowles and Walker specialise in, to allow for easy manufacture.  In early 2020 after consultation with Rehook regarding the design changes, work started on the in-house design and creation of the tooling. Tooling was completed, and trials were carried out. A full production run of multiple of thousands of products was then commissioned.

Following on from the success of the Rehook Plus, Rehook were keen to continue with new products. Bowles and Walker’s knowledge of designing for injection moulding was crucial in the development of the new Rehook Mini (pictured).

This tooling required sliding cores and hidden gates keeping visible surfaces free from ejector pin and gate marks. The “Hook” section of the product also included an over moulding of both a stainless steel insert and magnet.

This has been an interesting and very satisfying project to be involved in from concept to manufacture. We are very much looking forward to working with Rehook in the future.

“Bowles and Walker’s support and top class service has been critical to the success of our business. We can always rely on their open communication to make product designs into real world products on time and on budget” | Wayne Taylor, Founder and CEO. Bambusa Ltd. https://rehook.bike/

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